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Showing posts from February, 2014

Export csv files separated by semicolons

When you try to export files from Excel after manage them, you could see that even if you choose .csv format data has been divided by semicolons instead of commas. This could be caused by regional settings. Change the list sepearator in Formats-Additional settings within Region(Windows8) or Regional(Windows7) settings from semicolon(;) to comma(,) and decimal symbol from comma(,) to dot(.). If you need to have decimal symbol as comma, then Excel will still export .csv files with semicolons. I've found small script which does resolve problem in this case You can create new macro in Excel, put this script inside, and run macro when your file is ready to be saved. I will post the script soon

Office365: Outlook 2007 cannot connect / configure profile

During the migration to Office365 we've prepared many computers with Office2007 installed. Some of them could connect to Office365 immediately and others not. Because we've had set gpo's for Outlook settings and autodiscover worked properly it was hard to find what caused the problem. Problem - authentication The problem was with authentication. Problematic Outlook's didn't have anonymous option in the security settings on connections tab. Solution - Microsoft Updates Outlooks which caused problems were set to NOT get Microsoft Updates. After check the option to automatically get updates in Outlook settings and install them - anonymous option was in place and profiles has been configured properly.

How to add user to local administrators from command line remotely

Sometimes, you need to add user to local administrators from command line, especially if you're doing this remotely. It's an easy process when you are using old, dusty net command. Check adminstrators group members : net localgroup administrators To add\john to local administrators:: net localgroup administrators /domain john /add

Editing and testing gpo policies from different domain

Sometimes there is a need to test or edit policy on different server.  Maybe it's because machine has more tools installed or is outside the production network. So... It'll be good if both machines run the same OS versions. Steps to copy settings from one gpo to other: 1.Make empty gpo policy on both servers in Group Policy Management console 2.Edit policy settings and test it on the server/organization you're prefer. 3.Go to Group Policy Objects and select your policy 4.Click Backup 5.Go through backup wizard and save policy to the desktop 6. Copy this folder to your test/editing machine 7. Go to Group Policy Objects in gpmc 8. Select your policy and click Import Settings: 9. Again, go through Import Settings Wizard, select your policy and... 10. That's It!

I've lost Internet Explorer Maintenance add-in in from Group Policy Management Console!

Guys, I can't see Internet Explorer Maintenance add-in in Group Policy Management Console! It was there and now it's gone. See, I have this policy configured and it works. So, what happened? I am omitting here the necessity to import Internet Explorer .adm file to be able to manage it because it's another topic to describe. This is example of what you can see: policy with IE maintenance set and no option to change settings: Well, it's something that you probably didn't expected to be connected with - Internet Explorer version. You've probably have had configured automatic updates on your server, haven't you? Well, if your server have had installed Internet Explorer 10 or 11, then you've lost possibility to configure Internet Explorer earlier versions (till 9) from GPO mmc. There are two ways to reclaim your rights to manage IE settings through gpo: 1.Uninstall IE till the 9 version through Programs and Features in updates section (BTW - I'm using qui...

Copy users from one AD group to another

Are you tried to switch the AD groups? If yes you probably encounter a problem with how to copy all users from one group to another. I found easy vbs script for doing this on the Technet here  . Please remember that this is not my work, but I'm using it and checked that it's working correctly. First, you need to enter object source in the format of CN, OU, DC,DC, for example CN=group, OU=Atlanta, OU=Company, DC=contoso, DC=com. Then you'll need to do the same with the destination group. Here is the script: strSGroupDN = InputBox ("Enter the DN of Source Group" & VBCRLF &_                   vbcrlf& _                   vbcrlf& _                   "e.g. CN=Source Group,OU=Users,DC=NWTraders,DC=com") strDGroupDN = InputBox ("Enter the DN of Destination Group" & VBCRLF &_                 ...

Manually configure Outlook profile for Office 365

If you have problems configuring Outlook profile with autodiscover, then reading this should help you. If you need to resolve this, check this post: Steps for configure Outlook Office 365 profile manually: 1. Logon to Office365 from powershell as described here: 2. Get your mailbox cloud ExchangeGuid: Get-Mailbox mailboxname |fl ExchangeGuid, OriginatingServer, PrimarySmtpAddress,UserPrincipalName 3. Copy this data to your computer with Outlook. 4. Go to your computer with Outlook. 5. Open Mail in Control Panel options. Click Add New Account. 6. Choose Manually configure server settings or additional server types 7. Choose Microsoft Exchange or compatible service: 8. Click More Settings: 9. In the connection tab, select Connect to Microsoft Exchange using HTTP:   10. Click Exchange Proxy Settings... 11. Fill in the tab...